I send out periodic snail mail price lists of whatever is new or rediscovered in my stock of Baltic States, Canada & British Commonwealth, Scandinavia, Commonwealth of Independent States,& Western Europe. I offer everything from new issues to the earliest stamps, and always have an interesting variety of fine stamps listed. Your purchases can be charged to Mastercard , Visa, American Express, as well as Paypal, and for Canadian customers Interac E-Transfer . To get your free copy of my next list write , phone ,or email

To see a web copy of my most recent lists go to PL20-2

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I have discontinued the single country lists that used to appear below. To see what stamps are available please check out my online stores at Hipstamp, Ebay, and for Canadian funds shoppers the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association website

To make credit card ordering easy, I now have a toll free number for credit card purchases at

1-866-376-4317 .

I have installed an answering machine, but sometimes have difficulty using it. If you get no answer to your recorded message please try again later. If the worlds best looking nurse answers the phone, please be patient with her. She's a wonderful wife but will never be a stamp collector. I am normally in the office from around 9 AM to 9 PM Eastern time.

West Nissouri Stamp Company
P.O. Box 28026 Oakridge R.O.
London, Ontario, Canada
N6H 5E1
U.S. Postal address Discontinued.
Phone: (519)474-2021
Fax: (519)474-6905
E-Mail: dennis@wnstamps.com


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